1. |
0-6_Stakeholder Engagement Report 0-6_Stakeholder Engagement Report
2. |
1st CBW Report- Final-13June_23 1st CBW Report- Final-13June_23
3. |
2nd CBW Report- Final- 17Mar_23 2nd CBW Report- Final- 17Mar_23
4. |
3rd CBW Note- 8May_23 3rd CBW Note- 8May_23
5. |
7-12 Months_Stakeholder Engagement Report 7-12 Months_Stakeholder Engagement Report
6. |
AWC- Final Case Study- 23Feb_23 AWC- Final Case Study- 23Feb_23
7. |
AWC, Manoharpur- 1March_23 AWC, Manoharpur- 1March_23
8. |
CASE STUDY_Udaipur Kids Festival 2023 CASE STUDY_Udaipur Kids Festival 2023
9. |
DPR CPZ_Ashok Nagar_26.06.2023 DPR CPZ_Ashok Nagar_26.06.2023
10. |
DPR_1.5 connected shared street _ 3 Junctions DPR_1.5 connected shared street _ 3 Junctions
11. |
DPR, Sensory Park, GB- 22Feb_23- FINAL DPR, Sensory Park, GB- 22Feb_23- FINAL
12. |
Feasibility Report_Sensory Park Feasibility Report_Sensory Park
13. |
Feasibility Report-Child Priority Zone_Ashok Nagar_PMU Feasibility Report-Child Priority Zone_Ashok Nagar_PMU
14. |
Indicator Matrix_Urban95 Udaipur Indicator Matrix_Urban95 Udaipur
15. |
ITCN Dashboard Progress Update-3-June-2023-v1 ITCN Dashboard Progress Update-3-June-2023-v1
16. |
Milestone Sheet_upto 6th Milestone with Target Timelines_24-11-2023_WEBSITE Milestone Sheet_upto 6th Milestone with Target Timelines_24-11-2023_WEBSITE
17. |
MoM 1st Stakeholder Engagement Workshop_Child Safety Guidelines MoM 1st Stakeholder Engagement Workshop_Child Safety Guidelines
18. |
PHC- 8th Feb_23 PHC- 8th Feb_23
19. |
PHC- Case Study- 14Feb_23 PHC- Case Study- 14Feb_23
20. |
PMU_Feb'22_July'22_Year 2_Stakeholder Engagement Report_R1_FINAL PMU_Feb'22_July'22_Year 2_Stakeholder Engagement Report_R1_FINAL
21. |
PMU_Stakeholder Engagement Report_R2 (1) PMU_Stakeholder Engagement Report_R2 (1)
22. |
PMU_Stakeholder Engagement Report_R2.pdf PMU_Stakeholder Engagement Report_R2.pdf
23. |
Rapid Action Plan Rapid Action Plan
24. |
RBA findings Udaipur report_28 Oct (1) RBA findings Udaipur report_28 Oct (1)
25. |
Stakeholder Engagement Report_Aug'22-Jan'23 Stakeholder Engagement Report_Aug'22-Jan'23
26. |
Stakeholder Engagement Report_Year 3 (25-30 Months) Stakeholder Engagement Report_Year 3 (25-30 Months)
27. |
Tender Document (RFP)_CPZ Ashok Nagar Tender Document (RFP)_CPZ Ashok Nagar
28. |
Tender Document (RFP)_Development of 1.5 kms shared street and three family friendly junctions Tender Document (RFP)_Development of 1.5 kms shared street and three family friendly junctions
29. |
Tender Document (RFP)_Sensory Park Tender Document (RFP)_Sensory Park
30. |
ToC RF Indicator matrix_Urban95_Udaipur_14.02.2023 ToC RF Indicator matrix_Urban95_Udaipur_14.02.2023
31. |
YPAR_Feb'22-Jan'23_PMU_R2_Clean Copy_18-07-2023 YPAR_Feb'22-Jan'23_PMU_R2_Clean Copy_18-07-2023
32. |
3 rd Capacity Building Workshop (CBW) Detailed Project Report (DPR) & Tendering/ Procurement Process 2 nd May 2023 3
rd Capacity Building Workshop (CBW)
Detailed Project Report (DPR)
Tendering/ Procurement Process
nd May 2023
33. |
2 nd Capacity Building Workshop Conceptual Design & Feasibility 15th Feb 2023 2
nd Capacity Building Workshop
Conceptual Design & Feasibility
15th Feb 2023
34. |
Capacity Building Workshop Site Identification & Finalization 22nd Dec’22 Capacity Building Workshop Site Identification & Finalization 22nd Dec’22
35. |
Inception Report, Urban95, Phase-Il
36. |
Urban95, Phase-I Overview, Achievments
37. |
Urban95, Phase-II Introduction & Scoping
38. |
Rapid Behavioural Assessment_Dissemination
39. |
Urban95 Udaipur Kids Festival- 2April'22
40. |
Ashok Nagar CPZ_Design_Semi-Permanent Intervention
41. |
1.5KM of Shared Street & Child and Family-Friendly Junctions_Design for Semi-Permanent Intervention
42. |
Yearly Program Assessment Report