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पालतू श्वान हेतु पंजीयन पत्र पालतू श्वान हेतु पंजीयन पत्र
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Grievance Form Grievance Form
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Application Form for Contractors Application Form for Contractors
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Pet Dog Registration Form Pet Dog Registration Form
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Application form for Training Application form for Training
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Application form for Self Employment Application form for Self Employment
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Application form for Financial And development for SC- ST Application form for Financial And development for SC- ST
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Application form for Agreement इकरार नामा पत्र फॉर्मेट
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शिशु बालिका की माता को प्रसव उपरांत राशि ₹500 प्राप्त करने हेतु आवेदन पत्र बालिका समृद्धि योजना के अंतर्गत गरीबी की रेखा के नीचे जीवन यापन करने वाले परिवार में दिनांक 15 .08 1997 या बाद में जन्मे शिशु बालिका की माता को प्रसव उपरांत राशि ₹500 प्राप्त करने हेतु आवेदन पत्र
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Application form for Pension for old age, widow and handicap person वृद्धावस्था /अपाहिज / विधवा पेंशन हेतु आवेदन पत्र
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Urban Development SAF Form Urban Development SAF Form
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Udaipur Smart City Form The City "Udaipur" in Rajasthan has been selected as one of the Smart Cities under the Ministry of Urban
Development (MoUD), Gol's Smart City Mission, Udaipur is now required to formulate its own unique
vision, mission and plan under "City Challenge" Proposal competition in consultation with the city residents
and other stakeholders. Municipal Corporation of Udaipur urges all the citizens of Udaipur to share their
opinion and area of improvement of make "Your city-Udaipur a truly Smart City". Your valuable views can
bring significant difference to your city and improve life of each one of us .